Science Department

*Physical Science- Mr. Brandon Suiter- 9th grade
Chemistry I- Mrs. Lou Ann Maxwell- 10th grade- required for graduation
Biology I- Mr. Brandon Suiter- 11th grade - required for graduation
*Chemistry II- Mrs. Lou Ann Maxwell -11th grade or 12th grade ( prerequisite Chemistry I and Physical Science)
*Biology II- Mr. Brandon Suiter- 11th grade or 12th grade (prerequisite Biology I and Physical Science)
*Physics- Mrs. Lou Ann Maxwell- 12th grade ( prerequisite Physical Science, Chemistry I, and Biology I)
*Students enrolled in Agriscience may use class has 9th grade science class if they intend on having a focus in Veterinary and Animal Science. Students who have chosen a Science focus must take Physical Science ( even if enrolled in Agriscience) in addition to Chemistry II, Biology II and Physics.