Counseling » Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

TSAC Dual Enrollment Grant

The Dual Enrollment Grant program is for students who are attending an eligible high school and who are also enrolled in college courses at eligible postsecondary institutions for which they will receive college credit.

The Dual Enrollment Grant program provides opportunities for students to earn an initial technical credential or a semester of college credit free of tuition and fees, while still pursuing a high school diploma.


Award Information:

Dual Enrollment Grant Requirements:

To be eligible, a student must: 

  • Be a Tennessee resident
  • Meet the admission requirements of the institution the student plans to attend and apply for the grant as a high school junior or senior if enrolled at a two-year or four-year institution OR;
  • be at least a high school freshman if enrolled at a Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT)
  • May enroll at a two-year or four-year eligible postsecondary institution and continue receiving the Dual Enrollment Grant for up to 10 courses by maintaining all eligibility requirements and achieving a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA for all postsecondary semester courses attempted as a recipient of the grant.
  • Enroll in a TN College of Applied Technology clock hour program may continue receiving the Dual Enrollment Grant by maintaining all eligibility requirements and achieving a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA for up to 1296 clock hours.
  • Meet the above requirements and the student may receive an award amount at a 2-year or 4-year institution for the first five courses which is the cost of tuition plus a 5% access fee as determined by the TN Board of Regents for community colleges. For a student’s sixth through tenth dual enrollment semester courses, the award amount is $100 per credit hour, not to exceed $600 per course. At a TN College of Applied Technology, the award amount is the cost of tuition as determined by the TN Board of Regents.



To be eligible, the student must:

  1. Be classified as a high school junior or senior if enrolling in Dual Enrollment courses at a two-year or four-year postsecondary institution; or be classified as a high school freshman or higher if enrolling in a Dual Enrollment program at a TCAT; 
  2. Complete and submit the Dual Enrollment Grant application on-line by the deadline date as indicated below;
  3. Meet admissions criteria for dual enrollment for the postsecondary institution to which the student will enroll as a dual enrolled student;
  4. Maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all postsecondary courses attempted under the Dual Enrollment Grant.
More about the TSAC Student Portal:
TCAT Livingston
   Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to participate in programs at TCAT Livingston. While participating in a program, your student will earn hours that gives them credit in the program that they have chosen. The credits and hours that they earn along the way will allow them to earn their Industry Certification if they are able to complete the program during high school. If your student does not complete the program during high school, they have the opportunity to return to TCAT after graduation to continue the program.
Programs include:
Administrative Office Technology
Automotive Technology
Building Construction Technology
Collision Repair Technology
Computer Information Technology
Diesel Technology
Electrical and Plumbing Technology
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration
Industrial Maintenance
Machine Tool Technology
Pharmacy Technology
Practical Nursing
Welding Technology
More information about these programs can be found here:
Vol State Livingston
   Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to take classes through Vol State to earn high school and college credit. We work with your student to help them choose classes that are relevant to what their degree interest is after high school so that they are able to begin earning credits towards it.  In order to quality to take classes at Vol State, students should reach benchmark scores on the ACT or have a GPA of 3.6 or higher with a recommendation from their School Counselor. 
More information about Vol State Dual Enrollment can be found at their website:
AP Classes
   Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to participate of Advanced Placement classes. Students can explore more about the AP classes we offer below at the following website: